Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A Brief One!

 This is just a brief post - to keep you reading!

Some spring flowers are blooming in Poppa's front flowerbed.

A slightly different angle to show off the tulips better.  So pretty and nice to see them finally - it's been a long winter!

There are some hostas peeking up through the mulch too!

I am still knitting critters for Auntie Colleen's blanket!  Such fun and a fantastic way to use up left over bits of yarn.

Poppa is still working diligently at the golf course almost every day.  What is he doing?

Well - he was staining these stairs to make them look much better - don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Best critters (along with a tea cozy I know) ever! Such characters. I love the individuality of each one.
    Tulips and daffodils, what a spring welcome. I love hostas too.
    And I forgot to say in the other post that I look forward to Priscilla's blooms later.
    What a grand difference the stain made on the golf club stairs. Nice.
