Saturday, June 12, 2021

A Visit to Nanna & Poppa!

Do you know who these people are?  As you can see, they are taller than me now..... do you know who they are?  Yes!  Munchie and Curtie came for a visit recently!  As usual, they had taken all the usual precautions and decided it had been long enough since they had been here - it was time for me to see how tall they had gotten!  Yikes!

Munchie is still a handsome little dude!

Mommy and Daddy came too!

The boys sat with Poppa, but they are kinda heavier now, so they didn't stay long - just long enough for me to snap a photo!  Aren't they cute?

Daddy brought some food and they all sat down to eat.  Poppa and I had already eaten so we let them enjoy!

Here is Poppa's fence all nice and straight!

This is a picture of that area across the road from us, where Poppa is working to make it more attractive.

And here is a picture of his flower beds at the front of our unit.

Here is my new African violet - she seems to be thriving!

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