Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A New Look
Here is Daddad and Munchie - what are they doing?? Look at that blond, curly hair - what is Daddad doing? What is that thing in Daddad's hand?
How do I look Mummum? Do you recognize me? Didn't Daddad do a great job? Whaddya think?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Take A Good Look
The same day that Poppa & I stopped in the Memorial Garden at the park, we veered off the marked trail, and followed the old rail bed until we arrived at the rear of the old train station, which has lots of character and is currently used as the bus station for buses to and from out-of-town places. I had never seen the back of the building and so couldn't resist snapping a couple of shots. Even from the back I thought the character of the old building shone through.
Last time Munchie came for a visit, Mummum and Poppa took some time to wash and wax Mummum's car. They spent quite a while working on it and when they were done it looked just like brand new. They were both kinda tired and hot when they were done, but both of them declared that it was worth the effort to see the car looking so spiffy.
While Mummum was occupied with the car, little Munchkin decided it was a good time to go exploring in Poppa's grass. It was longer than usual because Poppa had been so busy and if he had any spare time, then it was raining. But, although Poppa thought it was terrible to have such an unmanicured lawn, Munchie thought it made absolutely wonderful territory for exploring. Daddad had gone fishing someplace or other, so Munchie was being supervised by Nanna and he found that she was quite lenient with the rules and regulations - that's what grandmothers are for - right?
Once Daddad returned from a successful fishing expedition (well, he said he caught a few fish, but he didn't bring home any proof of his fish stories), he and Mummum decided a few moments of rest and relaxation were in order and went outside for a dip in the hot tub. This left little Munchkin unattended while Nanna made supper, so Poppa crawled into the void and entertained (translate - played with) our little guy.
I'm still working on that cotton blend cover-up, but haven't made much progress - so no new pictures for you yet. Maybe I'll get more time this week.
First Pizza
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Before the recent hot spell, Poppa and I went for a lovely long walk one day, starting at our local park. I thought this was a particularly appealing spot. It is called the Memorial Garden and is dedicated to local heroes who died in the service of our great country. Poppa and I stopped there for a few moments to remember not just those who died in foreign countries, but our own fathers, who both served during the Second World War and came back home. Both are watching Munchkin from heaven now - and we miss them. May they rest in peace.
Remember that Rose of Sharon bush that Poppa planted about a month (or so) ago? Here is how it looked last week. It actually has about twice as many flowers now and is putting on a fine show. Unlike the other plants in our flower beds, it is showing off its best this late in the season. It is so nice to look out the back door and see those pretty flowers brightening up the day.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A Visit with Munchie
Then a stop at the grocery store.
Then, back towards home.
Stop in the park for a swing. You will notice that one shoe has been taken off. Fortunately Mummum caught it and put it in the stroller with the groceries.
Check the mail.
Back to the apartment.
A quick bottom change - I took this when that mission was complete.
Some warm milk and a cuddle.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Tree Farm
I recently went on a mission to Auntie Colleen's house to deliver some trees to her house. OK - they weren't really trees, but Great-Grandma Duffy seems to have a way with house plants, and these two plants were almost as tall as me, if not taller. Anyway, there was a package waiting there for me. It contained a birthday card for Kev-Inn and a lovely surprise for me! So - first some background. On my birthday I received a card from Great-Grandma Duffy which was a Monkey & Boo creation. It had Pooh Bear on it along with some of his friends from the Hundred-Acre Wood. Of course, Pooh is a favourite of mine, since he is a teddy bear of some considerable fame and fortune, as well as being just plain - well - cute and adorable like all teddy bears everywhere. Back to now, in my surprise bag was a most wonderful bookmark - which matched that birthday card. So, here is a picture of the card (front and back) with the bookmark. Aren't they wonderful??!!!??
As you may have guessed, we were down to visit Munchie on Thursday. He appears to be thriving. When he smiles widely, we can peek in and see his three teeth. I anticipate that he will have four shortly, but right now we can see three. We had a lovely visit. I will post more pictures in a separate entry. For now, here is a hint as to some of the things we did that day. Poppa got this shot - and did a fine job for someone who doesn't usually wield the camera.
For those of you who are intrigued with my bookmark - here is a photo of the bookmark inside a very interesting book. See how pretty it looks and imagine how effective it is at - well - marking the spot in the current book. How wonderful! Thank you Auntie Colleen!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A New Perspective
Uncle Shaun has been busy keeping his senses alert and has managed to find one more photo for his Abandoned Series. I'm not nearly as good as Auntie Colleen at solving the mystery of the actual site of the photograph - maybe one of you other Orillians can identify it? Anyway, as usual there is the speciman sitting proudly awaiting its moment in the camera lens to be published here for posterity. I rather like this shot for aesthetic reasons as well. The shiny metal, the waxed cup - against the parked cars, the greenery of the trees and the distant red-brick building....all are pleasing to the eye in a way I cannot describe.
Mummum, Daddad and Munchkin are back at Gramma's house this week. Daddad is working on a task there to give Gramma a bigger garage door. So, I haven't gotten any new pictures this week. But - I do have a really cute one from our last visit to Munchkin's house. This is Poppa with Munchkin after our visit to the park for a swing. Needless to say, Munchie was getting tired and found a nice to place to snuggle into when Poppa picked him up after feeding him his lunch. Shortly after this picture was taken, Munchie went for his afternoon snooze and Poppa and Nanna headed for home. We had a nice visit - including some pizza for lunch - the traffic around the big city was horrendous, since it was the beginning of a long weekend for some folks - otherwise we enjoyed the drive and the visit.
Oh yes - as a follow up to that opening picture from a new perspective - here is another unique angle of our little Munchkin. Apparently Mummum took this one from underneath the high chair while she was on a cheerio-retrieving mission under there. Of course, Munchie was curious as to why she was down there under his chair and couldn't resist peeking under to see what was going on. He asked to have the cheerio back, and couldn't quite understand why Mummum wouldn't give it to him, since he had retrieved the odd cheerio from under there himself when he was exploring on all fours from time to time. However, he didn't get this one.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Some Assembly Required
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Old News
There are also a few shots of Munchie with a monkey on his back. Really - I'm serious! See for yourself. He doesn't seem bothered about it and went about his business as usual. As you can see, he is checking out the box attached to the TV. I have no idea what this box does, but Munchkin checks it out regularly to ensure that it is functioning properly, and fixes it if it is malfunctioning. I can only assume that one of his aspirations may include becoming an electronics repairman - which may not be such a bad idea in this day and age. It seems that the monkey has a long strap, so that Mummum and Daddad can keep track of the little guy as he travels around repairing electronic things (like - ummm - Mummum's computer????).
Following the "Auntie Colleen's Beautiful Garden" series - I absolutely adore the colours in this excellent example of above-mentioned garden. I always imagine Auntie Colleen wandering about in this oasis of beauty, snapping pictures as she goes. It must give her pleasure each and every time to discover one more photogenic target sprouting and blooming in her own space in this gigantic world, which is so often filled with unpleasantness.
The latest circle sweater is growing. I haven't taken a picture since it is so bunched up on the circulars at the moment that it would just look like a giant lump of knitting. As soon as it is possible to lay it out flat I will get a photo. Just like the first one, I am enjoying each round. I have changed colours more often and have managed to cram in a lot of the leftovers from my stash - though I must admit to purchasing two big skeins with colours in them that I loved and just couldn't resist.... oops!