Here is Daddad and Munchie -

How do I look Mummum? Do you recognize me? Didn't Daddad do a great

The same day that Poppa & I stopped in the Memorial Garden at the park, we veered off the marked trail, and followed the old rail bed until we arrived at the rear of the old train station, which has lots of character and is currently used as the bus station for buses to and from out-of-town places. I had never seen the back of the building and so couldn't resist snapping a couple of shots. Even from the back I thought the character of the old building shone through.
Last time Munchie came for a visit, Mummum and Poppa took some time to wash and wax Mummum's car. They spent quite a while working on it and when they were done it looked just like brand new. They were both kinda tired and hot when they were done, but both of them declared that it was worth the effort to see the car looking so spiffy.
While Mummum was occupied with the car, little Munchkin decided it was a good time to go exploring in Poppa's grass. It was longer than usual because Poppa had been so busy and if he had any spare time, then it was raining. But, although Poppa thought it was terrible to have such an unmanicured lawn, Munchie thought it made absolutely wonderful territory for exploring. Daddad had gone fishing someplace or other, so Munchie was being supervised by Nanna and he found that she was quite lenient with the rules and regulations - that's what grandmothers are for - right?
Once Daddad returned from a successful fishing expedition (well, he said he caught a few fish, but he didn't bring home any proof of his fish stories), he and Mummum decided a few moments of rest and relaxation were in order and went outside for a dip in the hot tub. This left little Munchkin unattended while Nanna made supper, so Poppa crawled into the void and entertained (translate - played with) our little guy.
I'm still working on that cotton blend cover-up, but haven't made much progress - so no new pictures for you yet. Maybe I'll get more time this week.
Then, back towards home.
Stop in the park for a swing. You will notice that one shoe has been taken off. Fortunately Mummum caught it and put it in the stroller with the groceries.
Check the mail.
Back to the apartment.
A quick bottom change - I took this when that mission was complete.
Some warm milk and a cuddle.