Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Next Week

The week after Munchie's visit with us, we caught up on some stuff we needed to do!  For instance - on the weekend, we walked up to Tim Horton's for coffee (with Kev-Inn).
We usually walk up each morning, during the week.....but this trip was special.....because I found an abandoned bonanza.  Of course, they aren't stacked up neatly like Uncle Shaun's, but if quantity is good then I got it!

On the very same day - I found some trilliums growing on the side of the path.  I couldn't get too close, but here they are!

We did manage to get some other tasks accomplished also.  Poppa got that huge flower bed at Great Gramma Grace's house all cleaned up.

Another day he worked on Phillip's Park and got it looking beautiful.

About 13 years ago we planted a little tamarack that was growing in the then-vacant lot behind us in the back portion of Phillip's Park.  At the time it was about the same height as Poppa.  Here it is today....

The day this picture was taken, we had just arrived back at the house, after a chilly walk up to Tim Horton's.  On the way back, it was chilly enough that Poppa decided that the "hoodie" look made great sense.

And, another day, we decided it was time to put the furniture out again at the front of the house.  After some consultation with Squeegie and Taffy, Poppa declared that everything looked perfect.

When that was all finished, Poppa declared it was time to cut the grass.  I went in the house to do some chores in there.  Poppa went down to the shed to get the lawn tractor up and running.  He promised Squeegie that he would get him before he started the actual cutting...so Squeegie waited patiently.

Taffy and I started doing some dusting and polishing while Squeegie waited. 

She did an amazing job!  We re-arranged some of Poppa's angels to show them off better...and we both really liked the way they looked when we were done.

And, eventually Poppa did come and fetch Squeegie and the two of them got the lawn all mowed.

So, we got everything all tidied and groomed.  And then we got some exciting news.  Gramma was coming for a visit.  I had been trying to convince her to visit us for a long time...and it was great news!  Quickly following this news, was another phone call from Mommee asking if Munchie could come for another day, since she was having babysitter problems again.  It was decided that Gramma would bring Munchie with her when she came!  More on that later.


  1. I love "Phillip's Park" and the hoodie!

  2. Hey! An addition to the Abandoned Series! I love it.
    I agree with Annie. I like "Phillip's Park". It fits.
    Also liking that shot of Poppa consulting with Squeegie. hee.
    Gramma's garden looks impeccable. I was there. I saw.
    Taffy sure is handy to have around.
