Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back to Normal

We stopped in to see Munchie on our way home from Granny's place - but our timing was off - when we arrived there he looked like this...........
He had gone for a long walk with Mommee to the grocery store, and headed for a nap shortly after they arrived at home.  However, it did give us an opportunity to have a nice visit with Momme - who is getting rather anxious to welcome Curtis into the family - and get that part of the process over with.  She has an appointment with the doctor tomorrow - so we'll see what happens.

Once we arrived at our own house, life settled back into its normal routine.  We walked up to the coffee shop the next morning and espied this little fellow perched precariously on a dead limb.

I could have zoomed in closer to him...but I was worried that he would fly away and I would miss the shot - it has happened before!  Anyway, when we arrived at the coffee shop we found that the normal lineup was back.  If you peer through the glare from the glass, you can see that the lineup goes on behind Poppa right to the door.

Speaking of coffee shops reminds me of another picture I wanted to share with you.  This one was taken by Uncle Shaun .........and as I like to do..........I will also share Auntie Colleen's comments regarding this particular picture.  Quote "We went to a lovely brunch at the Pig and Whistle... Grape and Wine... Branches and Twigs... Olive and Apricots or whatever the heck that place is called, with Marcia and Jozsef on Sunday. And I did just fine! To be honest (because she'll call me out if I'm not) Shaun and I sailed right by this abandoned Timmy's cup in the entrance. M&J had spotted it though and off Shaun and Jozsef went to hunt it down and take photos. My favourite part of all this? That family members (see Cheryl's blog as well) are spotting these abandoned pieces and taking note of them now. This one was living a rather high life in the foyer." And without further ado - here is the photo:

When we arrived back at the house, I looked around to see how Auntie Muffy had been spending her vacation.  Seems like she was reading....

The pile of finished books got taller, and the pile of un-read books got smaller.  Sometimes she took a break to surf the web - and sometimes she took a break to play computer games!

And today she will be leaving to head back up north.  I hope she had a good vacation and that she has a safe trip home.

One last is the blanket I am working on now.  This one is for Curtis - so he can have one at home and one to stay at Nanna's house to use when he is visiting.  I had this yarn in my stash, so the blanket is striped - to make sure I have enough yarn.  It is Bernat Baby Softee and the colours speak for themselves.  The pattern is from Leisure Arts Best Knit Baby Afghans.  It is called Precious in Pink...but for our little boy it will be called Wonderful Baby in Blue and White - Hee!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I love how the two brothers are going to have such a great second home base. Lovely blanket. Trust Bernadette had a safe trip home.
