Sunday, August 8, 2010

Munchie's Wonderful Weekend

Sorry for the length of time elapsed since my last post, I've been busy trying to get some stuff ready for Curtis' arrival, making plans to visit Granny, and getting the house ready for company!

Yes, Auntie Muffy is here!  She's staying for about a week, and we have been enjoying her humour and her company.

I finished Curtis' blanket as you know, and then I finished Munchie's blanket - it is in the laundry and pictures will appear when it is rescued from the dryer.  I have now started another blanket for Curtis, so he can have one here and one at home - to save Mommee and Daddee having to pack more extra stuff when they come to visit.  Hopefully, the less they have to pack for two little boys, the more likely they are to come for a visit!  Again, pictures to follow soon.

Meanwhile, last weekend Munchie went with Daddee and Mommee to visit Gramma, and I have some pictures of what he did there.  Most of the picture seem to evolve around the pool - which Munchie loves!  He went down the slide....
...he swam with the noodle....

.....he climbed out (with some assistance from cousin Taylor) ....

...and sat on the steps to rest for a few moments....

...where he was joined by cousin Reese and they played together....

.....and at the end of a long, busy day - he tried corn on the cob for the first time...and after watching the other people eat theirs for a few minutes, he proceeded to eat all the corn off his cob without further coaching.


  1. What a weekend for the little guy! Good job on the first cob of corn. And I saw an adorable video on Annie's Facebook of more waterplay.

  2. We had corn-on-the-cob again last night...and he's a champ (considering he still doesn't have all his teeth yet). :)
