Thursday, August 12, 2010

Since Then....

We just got back from a trip to visit Granny and Gramps - we had such a good time.  But - first let me fill you in on what has happened since Munchie's Weekend with Gramma.  Let me see ... where do I start???  Mommee has finished work in anticipation of Curtis' arrival.  So - a few days after Munchie arrived home with Mommee and Daddee after his visit to Gramma - we went down to visit him and to take Mommee a suitcase for her visit to the hospital.  As we were riding up in the elevator to Munchie's house, I called to let Momme know of our imminent arrival.  When we got off the elevator we heard Munchie racing down the hall calling Poppa!  I had never seen him run sooo fast - it was sooo cute!
Here he is, huffing a little after that run!  Mommee wanted to go to the grocery store, so Poppa helped Mucnhie get his shoes on.
we put Munchie in the stroller and set out.  Once we got to the mall, he wanted to get out of the stroller and walk with Poppa - and of course Poppa let him.  And, after a long, long walk, some fresh air and playing with Poppa for a while, our little Munchkin was more than ready to climb into his crib and have a long nap.

When we arrived home, I took a stroll around the yard and noticed that the Rose of Sharon bush was loaded with lots and lots of buds.

Can you see them all?  It should be beautiful when they all start blooming!  I have amassed quite a collection of lace for my pressing and starching pile....

I'll have to get busy and get some of it finished up for Auntie Colleen.  Kev-Inn had a birthday and came home from work looking like this...........

We took him out for dinner at one of his favourite eating places and we all had a big buffet dinner and ate too much.  Here is a picture of Munchie's new blanket just after being taken from the I have to block it out nicely so it looks its best for him next time he comes to visit us.

And here is a close-up of the piece of lace I am working on right now.

Meanwhile, someone who seems to be a little camera-shy has turned up in my kitchen!  Who is it?


  1. I bet I know who that is *g*.
    Look at all that lovely lace! How exciting!
    That blanket turned out wonderfully. Looks perfect for a little guy.
    What a great visit for Munchie. And his grandparents too by the look of things.
    Happy Birthday Kevin!

  2. In thes case, Shaun is actually Colleen. But I bet you figured that out. I've been playing with setting up blogs.
