Friday, November 5, 2010

Last Weekend

Whew!  I'm almost caught up to current with this blog.  Last weekend was a fairly quiet one.  On Sunday morning we went for breakfast with Granny and Gramps, who were up for a brief visit.  It was a good time - we enjoy their company.
It seems that all the pictures I get of Granny and Gramps are taken in a local restaurant at breakfast time!  Last picture was in their city, this one is in ours.  I got good reports regarding all the little folks in their family - and was happy to hear that they were all well.

Also, of course, last weekend was Hallowe'en.  In past years, the most "trick-or-treaters" we've had at our house, never exceeded fifteen.  This year we actually had twenty-four kids at the door - a banner year.  Poppa went in to help Aunt Peggy with all the little goblins in town - and she had about fifty.  Once again I was glad we didn't live in town - there wouldn't be any treats left over for me and Squeegie!  Mommee didn't get too many pictures of the little boys in their Hallowe'en getup, but she sent me a couple of them.  As you may recall from a previous post, they were spending the weekend at Grandma's house and going trick-or-treating with Cousin Reese.  Before they went out Munchie and Reese had a chance to play for a while....
While Grandma had a visit with Cujee.
Finally it was time to get out looking cute enough to garner some treats.
I am told that they did quite well and Munchie has enough candy to last for quite a long time.  But, by the time the little people arrived back home they were both worn out!
Cujee quickly fell fast asleep........
.............and Munchie wasn't very far behind.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww. Adorable sleeping shots and Halloween photos.

    And really nice picture of the Duncans.
