Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Abandoned Again!

Much to my delight I received a picture from Auntie Colleen today!  They have been more scarce of late, since she is busy with Uncle Shaun doing things they need to do.  With the larger amount of shoppers around these days, preparing for Christmas - there are probably more people drinking coffee out in the cold............well it appears that way anyway..........someone abandoned this speciman.
And since I have been quite derelict recently about posting pictures of what is going on - due to business regarding Christmas and a couple of days at work.............here is a really cute picture of Cujee relaxing in his little lounge.........
My knitting projects are progressing nicely, I just haven't taken the time to get pictures.  I am working today, so I will try to get the camera going tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Eeeek! I just wanted to catch the little guy before he tumbled out of his bed *g*. How adorable.
