Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh Yes - Knitting!

I finished off the little outfit for New York - it looked like this....
You can see the blanket there all folded up, here it is after I blocked and pressed it - before I folded it.
I'm going to make a little pullover to go with this outfit, but the baby was already overdue - so I shipped off the pieces I had ready.  Once that was done, I wanted to finish up the stuff I had started before I got that request. So - I started with Munchie's teddy-bear blankie.  Here it is - all done!
Then I got busy and started the mittens for Aunt Muffy - you know - those mittens she won when she correctly answered some question I posed on this I don't remember what the question was - oh Dear!  Anyway, while she was here last time she looked at what I had in my stash and picked some here is what they looked like at bedtime last night.
Speaking of last was Hallowe'en.  Munchie and Cujee went trick or treating in Aunt Melissa's neighbourhood since they were visiting with Gramma.  Mommee will surely send me a couple of pictures for you....right Mommee?  She said that Munchie really enjoyed going out this year. keeping with the Hallowe'en is a picture of Auntie Colleen's (and Uncle Shaun's) house last night..............
Spooky isn't it!  I love the visage in the attic window..........scare-ey!

Oh yes, and this is how Aunt Muffy mitten looked at the end of The View this morning.........

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That baby set is stunning. Beautiful beautiful.

    And remind me to answer questions faster *g*.
