Friday, December 17, 2010

As Promised!

All right then - first things first.  Here is the pullover that I completed for little Matthew in New York.  I am going to take it with me to Florida and send it from there.  Even though the distance is less - the postage is significantly less from US to US!  I have seen pictures of Matthew and he is adorable.  His Grandma has promised me more pictures soon.
Last weekend I babysat Munchie, while Mommee, Daddee, Poppa and Cujee went to look at houses in another city, a little further from our house than where they currently live.  This would get them out of their smallish apartment and into a house of their own.  Munchie was very good.  We played for quite a while and then he went for a nap - after Squeegie did some serious convincing that it would be a good idea.
He was still sleeping when I got a text message saying that the rest of the family were on their way home.  I went in and got Squeegie to wake up little Munchie so we could have supper when they arrived.  The big news is: They bought a house!!!  Everyone is so excited and happy!  I don't have any pictures yet, since closing date is Feb. 7th, 2011.  As soon as I can get a picture I will post it for you.  Hopefully Mommee gets her computer fixed so she can send me some pictures while I am in Florida.

We lucked out that weekend for travelling to Munchie's house - the weather was clear and cold.  The very next day it started snowing again.  As it turned out, our area got less than some of the surrounding areas, but we got our fair share.  Poppa put all his bundles on and went out to shovel.
And when I peeked out the front window in a few minutes - he had already started.
It took him several hours to get all that snow moved - and that included using the snowblower for most of it!  And then - he had to go into Aunt Peggy's and Grandma Grace's and do some more shovelling there!  Florida is looking more inviting all the time!  Hopefully we won't get too much more of the white stuff before we leave.  We are planning on leaving on the 27th of December - but we will watch the weather reports and use our best judgement.

I got a new bag for transporting my knitting.  It looks like this:
Sometime during the summer, Gramma asked if she could borrow some pictures of Mommee in dancing costume.  Of course, I have quite a few of those, so I picked some of my favourites and sent them down.  This is the end result!  I was absolutely thrilled to get this - I adore it!  I am soooo looking forward to using it on my trip to Florida and to keep my knitting tidy while I'm there!  The artwork demonstrates Gramma's artistic talent.  She took the picture of Mommee and created this lovely interpretation.  Momme is now a whimsical dancer in an impossibly lovely forest!  Here is a close-up shot of the detail - a little grainy since the weave of the bag shows.
Isn't it great?  I am honoured to be the recipient of something so special and so personal to me.  Thank you Gramma!

After I stash the pullover for little Matthew in there, I will finish filling it with all my odds and ends of sock yarn and create some silly socks for anyone who wants them.  I would like to use up all the sock yarn stash, so I can start a new one!  When that is done, I think I will start on the heavier yarn stash and make toques and mitts!  I'll do the socks first though since that yarn is easier and lighter and less bulky for travelling to Florida.  I did do a new touque, mitts and scarf for Munchie - he was still wearing the toque I made for him last year!  The first one was a little snug, so I have made another one a little larger, so it is more comfie for him.  He already took the mitts before I got a picture, but here is the new toque and the scarf.
Poppa and I are going for breakfast now -  a treat before the busy-ness of the Christmas celebrations tomorrow!  I have finished a balaclava for Munchie in preparation of the January cold temperatures, and started a matching bowknot scarf.  Then I will do mittens and he will have another ensemble!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the house!!!

    You scared me when you said you were using up your yarn stash!

    The pullover is adorable. A nice addition to the collection. And the toque and scarf look perfect cozy. I bet the mittens were too *g*.

    The knitting bag is really beautiful. What a perfect present.
