Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm Baaaack!

Sorry for the interruption in laptop became ill and had to go to the computer hospital.  In this case it was Best Buy since there is one close by.  While it was there, I was using the desktop that comes with the villa.  Then it became ill too!  It just wasn't my computer week!  However, on Thursday I picked up my laptop - good as new!  Then after some e-mailing back and forth between the owner in England and myself, Poppa helped me disconnect the desktop and take it to Staples (which is also nearby and had a special on repairs!).  The desktop should be ready on Monday - they will call.  I am hoping this week is better for computers!

First off - I promised a picture taken after Squeegie and Taffy went on their shopping spree in Poinciana.  This displays their purchases in the cutest way!
Yes!  The evenings have been kinda chilly here, and Poppa and I would put on some nice fleece jammies - and they didn't have they were on sale for a ridiculously low price at that Wal-Mart, they each decided to buy a pair.  Of course, I had to give them an advance on their allowances, but I didn't mind.

In the meantime, Uncle Shaun is still busily finding specimens for the abandoned series - I like this one - it really looks very forlorn....
Poor thing - left out in the cold after providing someone with a nice warm cuppa!  Speaking of Uncle Shaun - that brings to mind Auntie Colleen.  I finished this piece of lace....
...which is (once again) from Nicky Epstein's Knitting Over the Edge.  It is called Small Duster Scallop.  This one will look a little different once it is blocked and starched, but I think it's very pretty.  I changed it up by doing the top rows in stocking stitch instead of garter...I just liked the way it looked better - what do you think?  Anyway, then I finished this piece of lace....
...which is called Irish Lace - once again from the same book - which incidentally is (in case you hadn't guessed) one of my favourites for knitting lace - and I got it from Auntie Colleen - imagine that!  This skein of crochet cotton is now finished so this morning I reached into my bag for a new one - pictures to follow soon.

I have also been working on sillie (tm Gramma) socks and there are four and a half pairs in the heap so far.  One and a half more pairs and we will have another draw to see if I can get them out of here and on their way to new owners.

My little boys have been busy moving into their new house so I don't have any brand new pictures...but here is Munchie making sure he doesn't get left behind....
..........hiding in a packing box so he'll get put into the truck!  Actually, I think he was playing hide-and-seek, because the next picture looks like this....
.........Boo Mommie!  It is also interesting to note that little Smiley is now old enough for a game that Munchie always loves playing with Daddie - just look at this....
....I think they are both enjoying it!  Awwwww!  I was talking to Mommie today and the boys are settling into their new house quite nicely.  Munchie has a new bed and they each have their own room.  Mommie is going to send some pictures just as soon as she rediscovers the camera - which has disappeared into a packing box somewhere!  There were 45 packing boxes and she is trying to get them all unpacked - which is quite a job with those two little boys there!  But, she assures me that she is making progress.

And finally, another picture of the bears - just because they look so darn cute! 
As soon as the TV show they were watching got over, I sent them off to bed.

P.S. - For those of you who inquired....Yes - Squeegie is reading a Cookbook in the picture in a previous blog.  No - he does not cook supper - he informs me what he wants for supper and I try to oblige.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad you are back up.
    The lace is lovely! The Irish lace? Wow. Exquisite.
    That photo of Jeff and Curtis is adorable. The boys always look so happy. I hope the move went well.
    The teddy bears look like they are having a great time. We gotta get Squeegie a chef's hat.
