Friday, November 18, 2011

Visit and Other Odds and Ends

Yesterday morning when Poppa and I headed out for our daily walk to the donut shop Poppa's truck - which had been left outside to try and alleviate the odour situation - looked like this......
.........yep - this time we were home for the snow.  Anyway, Taffy & I had been invited over to Auntie Colleen's house for lunch....
.....we hadn't seen her for a long time, and Taffy was so happy to be there she forgot to look at the camera!  Auntie Colleen had put out a lovely lunch.........
....Taffy and I love bagels!  And, Taffy was honored to have her very own chair...

..and our bagels were followed by a delicious concoction made from peanut butter and chocolate - and I got to bring a tray full of it home!  As you can see, Poppa and I have already devoured a good portion of it!
It was scrumptious and I must get that recipe!  Are you wondering what Poppa and Squeegie were doing while we were there?  I'll give you a hint..........
.......he has been building this piece of furniture to create a storage space for toys.  Now he is.......
working on something else - under Squeegie's supervision!  Other interesting items...........
..Munchie went with Daddy to try out his new skates.  It appears.....
.........that he did quite well for his first time and.....
...Little Smiley had a great time playing in the arena while his big brother tried to maintain his balance! Onward...this is my cousin Joey....
...and her newest grandchild.... a beautiful little girl named Leah - just look at that hair!  Wow!  Now, let me see what else...oh yes - here is my latest book....
.........anybody familiar with John Grisham can guess that this is a great legal thriller - I didn't want to put it down.  Thank you to Aunt Grumpy for the bag of books she sent for me!  I'll try to return the favour when she comes to visit us in Florida!  One last thing.....when we went out for our walk to the donut shop this morning....
...Poppa's truck - which is still being de-stinked - looked like this.  Yep - we got more snow last night.  We set off anyway....
...after Poppa had shovelled a little path out to the road....then we began our journey .... actually looked kind of pretty - don't you think?  The little bridge on the path....
was covered with snow....and so were....
...the vehicles in the parking lot.  Incidentally, in case you're wondering, we haven't caught any more skunks, but we're pretty sure there is still at least one more....I'll let you know!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great having you both over for a visit and I'm glad you liked the dessert!
    The furniture looks gorgeous.
    Adorable skating series.
    Look at all that snow where you live *g*!
