Friday, March 1, 2013

Sox 2013 3rd Choice

I thought I would like to share the comments from the peeps choosing their socks. First there was Mommy.....
They are all great and I love the variegated ones (as you know), but the Piglet socks are the winner. I just can’t take my eyes off of them! It could be because they are Crazy Bright, but I feel I must have them.

Then there was Gramma....
There is too much to chose from cause they are all beautiful!  It was A VERY HARD choose but I pick Billie Bluejay.  Have you been knitting by the pool?  I am really jealous cause its so cold here!

And now Auntie Colleen has chimed in.....
You always make this so difficult. They are all lovely. And oh Sister, the names are priceless *:)) laughing ! Okay, I go for Millie Mermaid.

These are made from Foot Prints Sock Yarn by Mary Maxim.  I have always been tempted to try one of these morphing colorways but had never been willing to pay the price.  Mary Maxim had a sale on so I limited myself to one skein, since it was still on the high side of my limit for one pair of socks.  But I had so much fun knitting them and watching the colours change, I might consider getting some more.  There was no chance of the socks matching since the colours did not repeat the way they usually do in a variegated yarn.  I hope Auntie Colleen enjoys wearing them as much as I did making them!  Now the pictures are on their way to Aunt Grumpy!  She gets her e-mail at work, so she won't be able to get back to me until Monday.  Be patient!

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