.... is waiting for something.....
.... or watching something..... I wonder what it could be???? I know that Taffy....
.... is relaxing in her new sunsuit. She was somewhat un-satisfied with the colour of those ear ribbons - and wants you to know that she bought some new ones that match better. As for Squeegie....
.... Oh! See that little black snake-ey looking thing handing down? That is called Screen Spline - it holds the screen in place on the pool enclosure. This little piece seemed to come loose on the last windy day we had. Of course, Poppa espied it and had to fix it. So....
..... he got the ladder and a special little tool and got busy replacing it. Then.....
........... he noticed another bit in the next panel and then........
..... after checking a bit he found a missing piece up closer to the top, so he replaced it too. You can see Squeegie supervising the procedure from the lounge chair.
On another topic........ remember when I used to post the Picture of the Day? That was until Auntie Colleen's camera quit working and the PotD's came to an abrupt halt. Well..... the other day I got.....
... this amazing creature with the following explanation....
A few weekends ago, there was a winter fair at the park. Shaun and I took a drive through just as they were packing up to leave. We, of course, were attracted by this colourful gorgeous dragon.
Oh what fun to get a new PotD! And......such an interesting example of what they had seen at the winter fair - I bet that dragon was shivering in his scales! Thank you to Auntie Colleen/Uncle Shaun for this wonderful picture! I also recently received this pic.....
... of Auntie Colleen's purple socks beside her purple outfit.... the colour is a little off, but close enough for her to wear together.........I can't wait to see her in the outfit with the socks! Thank you again! And......
..... thanks to Mommy for this charming picture of the little boys in the shirts I sent them recently. How wonderfully cute these little fellows are! Thank you Munchie and Little Smiley for posing so nicely! (FYI - Daddy fixed the mis-buttoned shirt before Munchie headed out for the day.) Poppa and I are happy that you liked your shirts so well!
I can see Phil is keeping busy. How unusual *g*.
ReplyDeleteNow we'll have to see a new photo of Taffy with the new hair ribbons.
The thing is: the purple was almost identical but the digital camera did the usual and the socks looked somewhat different. I was going to colour correct but I thought leaving it showed off the socks better.
Adorable photo of the boys!