Friday, September 25, 2020

Moving On....

What is Squishie doing?  Well.....
He's watching Poppa sand those nice oak stairs he was working on - see?  They are both wearing masks!

This beautiful hibiscus bush grows in the flower bed across the road from us and we see it every time we go out the front door.  It has done especially well this year!
When it was decided that school would open this year in spite of COVID, the boys wanted to come and see us one more time before they would be in school, and Mommy thought it would be a good chance to do some shopping for school clothes.  We had fun on our shopping spree and each of the boys got a few outfits.  Here is Curtie modelling one of his choices.
It took a few minutes to convince Munchie to put his phone down and do some modelling too.
But, as soon as he won his game he headed upstairs to try some of them on for us.
Cutie Curtie in another outfit - handsome isn't he?
Another outfit - this one for while the weather stays a little bit warmer.
Then is was the cool dude's turn to show off his choices.
He posed for a side shot, and then a front shot.
These seem to be his colours this year - still cool!
Again - two angles for us to admire!
I think maybe he should consider a modelling career!
I think he is very photogenic - don't you?
Munchie has been a Spiderman fan for a long time, and had to make this special pose to model his last outfit!
Straight out of the movie!  He is definitely a dedicated fan!
Big news!  We have finally started the paving project at our Condos!  This is our driveway.  They broke up all the old pavement and trucked it away, then put in some gravel and smoothed it out carefully.
Big trucks were everywhere!

While the ground was dug up anyway, Poppa decided to replace our drain pipe.  The old one was leaking water into the ground and therefore, not doing a good job and washing out the soil underneath.  This is not a good thing for the new driveway!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! You scared me there for a minute. I thought maybe bears could catch Covid 19 *g*
    The boys look quite handsome in their new school outfits and cool poses!
    I bet the new paving will look really nice when they are done.
