Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Poppa Working Again!

What is Squishie looking at now?

Oh!  Poppa must be outside working on finishing up that partition fence..
Oh yes!  I see him on the other side.  What is he doing?

I don't know.....

Whatever it is, apparently it needs some consideration.

Oh... I know!  He is putting wood preservative on it to make it look new again, and keep it looking that way!

Of course - his plants at the front look fantastic!

Oh - now what is he doing?  He is at number 19 - which is four doors up from our unit.

Yikes!  He's lifting all those patio slabs to level them out and make the walkway safer.

They're heavy - but he can do it!  (Sooner him than me!)

He's checking it out - must be done!

I finally finished off this little angel pocket!  For the longest time I couldn't get buttons, everything was made difficult by the COVID restrictions.  But I finally found some at Wal-Mart that served the purpose quite nicely.  So I added the buttons and a bit of knitted lace.  What else have I knitted since COVID started?  Well, more on that later.  Meanwhile, Poppa and I have both had two shots of Pfizer vaccine and feeling much more comfortable going for groceries and church - still wearing masks as advised though!  Stay safe and healthy everyone!



  1. Yay for your double vaccinations!
    Phil's fence work looks excellent. Of course. I'd like a side view. Please.
    The front garden looks stunning! Beautiful!
    Phil is the perfect man for the job.

  2. And the Angel Pocket is beautiful. The lace is a nice touch.
