Sunday, October 26, 2008

To the Grocery Store

Here is what Christopher looked like on Friday! Doesn't he look like he is missing his Nanna? Hee! When I called his Momma yesterday, she said they had been on a family outing to the grocery store. This was her first trip to the grocery store since Christopher arrived.........but, it wasn't his first trip to the grocery store.........he went with Nanna when she was at his place. Here he is getting ready to go. It was a lot more work getting him ready than it was taking him there and back! We had to get him all fed, then changed and dressed, then into a bunting bag (it was a cool, fall day), then strap him into the car seat portion of the stroller. Oh yes! Before all that we had to figure out how to get the car seat portion of the stroller snapped securely in - which turned out to be some kind of elaborate puzzle...but eventually we got it! Then get a nice snuggly blankie to cover up our Munchkin. Then figure out how to get the two ends of the stroller up to create a nice little cocoon to keep him warm. After all of that we were ready to go, and headed out to the grocery store. It took less time to get to the store than it did to get ready to go! But off we finally went. Christopher was a little angel and slept all the way there, during shopping and back home again! Going through the checkout was fun. In the line-up behind me were a couple about my age (or maybe a little older - oh yes - for sure - older than me!). They admired Chris and asked "How old is he? Two months?" "Oh no" I assured them..."he is one week old today! " They were impressed with how big he was and how good he was for only one week old. The funny part is that I had chucked groceries into the designated spot under the stroller, into the foot of the stroller and one tomato into the space to put a drink attached to the handle. When I arrived at the checkout I carefully took all the stuff out of the foot of the stroller so that I wouldn't forget it. Then dragged all the stuff out of the luggage compartment. I was busy with my conversation with the couple behind me, and the checkout clerk was busy trying to see Christopher ......... and I forgot to give her the tomato...........and she didn't the tomato was free! By the time we got home, Chris was still worn out. And yesterday, after Momma's first trip to the grocery store, she was worn out.........they must be related! Sleep tight both of you!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Back To Work

Yep...back to work yesterday. I wondered if I would remember what to do, but it all came rushing back. Funny the things you miss.....I opened my suitcase to unpack it, and I could smell the baby aroma wafting out at me. At work I kept getting a wiff of that same scent and realized the blouse I was wearing - although freshly laundered - must have a remnant of that precious little munchkin called Christopher still lingering there. I'm trying to figure out a good excuse to go for a visit already. Daughter called. Everything was going according to plan....she'd even had time for a nap.....I know she needed one!

I can't believe how much our little munchkin changed in that short week and a half that I was there! He was starting to smile and watch us...and I'm quite sure he recognized our voices. He was starting to stay awake for more than 10 minutes at a time and just loved his teddy bear mobile - he would smile and coo and watch intently - not even noticing that we were changing him at the same time. He learned to love his bath - and would stare intently and adoringly at his Dada while being washed. And of course, Momma was a standard in his life...he could sense her when she entered the room - and quickly decided she was the best thing in there! Squeegie was enthralled with the new baby, and fell in love with him as quickly as the rest of us.

Oh goodness - look at the time - gotta run and get dressed for work. More later!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

At Poppa's House

I'm back home - off to work in a few minutes. I haven't had time to download any photos from my camera I will get to that later. Arrived home about supper time yesterday.....and as soon as I could I settled into my favourite chair to watch some TV and do some knitting. Last I heard, my little family was doing fine without me...........which is a good thing! More later......

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New York Jets

Apparently the New York Jets are a football team. Son-in-law actually likes football, and the Jets are his favourite you can imagine what happened at Christopher's place on Sunday. Yep - they both enjoyed the game - while Daughter & I did more practical take a nap or clean up the kitchen depending on which one of us it was - you guess! Hee! Isn't our little jets fan cute? They look alike....we call them "me" and "maxi-me".

Friday, October 17, 2008

Chris's House

Here I am at Chris's house. For some reason I couldn't get the blog to work for me for a couple of days.........and we were pretty busy anyway. These pics are almost a week old now! But I just felt the need to post them anyway. This is Christopher getting ready for his first bath at the hospital. It was supposed to be a trainng session for Mommy & Daddy, but the IV person came in and distracted Mommy for most of Daddy paid really close attention, so he would know how to do it. Christopher didn't seem very impressed, but he was soooooo cute when it was finished.....and went right back to sleep again!

And in what seemed like a flash it was time to get him ready to come home, so Mommy got out the little blue outfit from Nanna and put it on, and then strapped him into his car seat ready for his first big journey. She was telling me that they weren't even allowed to take him out of the hospital unless he was in a car seat - times have changed since Mommy was born all those years ago! Here is what he looked like!
I forgot to bring the cable to download from my I will post more recent pictures as soon as I get back home. He is changing already. He had his first visit to the doctor yesterday and was pronounced as being a "perfect baby". All is well.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Today I finished the teddy bear outfit......but I am going to wait until I can try it on Baby Christopher before I take a picture. Then we can decide if it is a success. Didn't do much else though. Sewing on soles and front feet, not to mention ears took much longer than I anticipated. I had to ask Taffy's big brother Squeegie to sit for me, so I could make sure they were placed properly. He did try on the teddy bear outfit.... the arms and legs were too long for him. He would have liked to have his picture taken in the outfit, but I told him no, we were saving it for Christopher. So, in order to keep him happy, I had to promise to post a picture of him .... here is Squeegie! He's, well, ummmm....he's helping Poppa with the barbeque....and I guess he got thirsty! If I have time tomorrow, I'm going to start knitting on a pretty dress for Taffy..she doesn't have any dresses yet.

When I talked to Daughter today, she said she was tired and sore. She and Christopher arrived home safe and sound. Son-in-law is being most helpful and considerate though - which helps immensely. Christopher was doing just fine, and is still sleeping and/or eating most of the time. I'm off to see him tomorrow! Oh - and she has some pictures of him in his "coming home" I'll see if I can get them for you! Here is Son-in-law admiring his new heir!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Next Day

Talked to Daughter early this morning.....she is sore and tired, but feeling better than yesterday. It felt almost anti-climactic today, since she is there and I am here. They took out all the IV lines, which brightened her day considerably! Poppa is feeling quite proud I think. Does it look like that to you? On the other hand, I think he is quite looking forward to being on his own next week while I am at Christopher's place. We took the old Aunt to Swiss Chalet for Thanksgiving dinner - what can I say - that's where she wanted to go. She had ribs and took half of them home for tomorrow....she loves ribs and they are apparently quite good at Swiss Chalet. I should point out that old Aunt is 93 years old....and very close to blind, but I swear if she could still see, she would still be driving herself to Swiss Chalet! She is quite amazing...sound in mind and quite well (for her age) in body. Here we are in Swiss Chalet earlier this year. At any rate when we had taken old Aunt safely home, we went to the grocery store tonight and Poppa bought the stuff he wanted to eat while I am away. Interesting stuff he bought too - hamburger helper, a can of soup, and a package of sweet potatoes. I wonder what I'll be eating? I'm sure it will be things appropriate for a nursing mother :o) Oh yes - one last pic before I sign off for the is Mommy and Baby.......

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Home Again!

Well, we just got home a few minutes ago. We actually found the hospital with the help of our TomTom and located Daughter's room without too much difficulty. is Christopher....
we found everyone doing quite well. Never did get to see his eyes, he didn't wake up except when the nurse came in to give him a bath...he didn't like the cool air on his little wet, bare body at all! I will be going back down to stay with him and his Mommy on Tuesday when his Daddy goes back to work after the long weekend. In the meantime, I've gotta get back to that teddy bear outfit before he grows out of it!

Good Morning

Good Morning! Here I am waiting for a phone call to let us know if we can get in before 4pm to visit Christopher and Mommy! So, I thought while I waited I would tell you the name (as promised) of that yarn I am using for the teddy bear outfit for our new arrival. It is Sirdar Snuggly Snowflake - so soft and fuzzy! Oh yes...and here is a picture of the outfit I sent down last week for him to wear home from the hospital....I hope it is big enough.

Daughter asked for something I made this.....

Friday, October 10, 2008

Christopher Phillip has arrived!

At 10:08pm on October 10th, 2008, weighing in at 9lbs,1 oz. I am told he has his Daddy's chin, his mother's ears........and he has blond hair. Because of having a C-section, his Mom will be staying at the hospital for 2-3 days, so hopefully she will get some rest after the long labour. Having said that, everyone is fine and well. We will be heading out tomorrow to see Mommy, baby and Daddy. If they will let me get some pictures, I will post them as soon as I get home - which will be late in the day. Right now, old Nanna is off to bed too! Night all!

Oh Dear!

While we were out in the hot tub, Son-in-Law left a message on the phone, at about 9:30pm. The baby is in the wrong position...........they are going to do a C-section. He said he would call when it was done......I haven't heard anything yet. So...I am in worry mode.

Quick Update

Daughter called from her delivery room. They are not expecting Christopher to arrive until about midnight I guess we'll wait until the morning. Hopefully we receive a call on or about we can figure out if his birthday is the 10th or the 11th :o) She is doing fine. son-in-law is with her...and will keep us informed.


My husband just called! My daughter has gone to the hospital - which is in "the city" - about 82 miles from where I am right now! This is her first baby, so I think I probably have a few hours before the conclusion of this very important event! Since I'm at work, and there is nothing I can do there right now....I guess we'll wait until we get the call that Christopher is here..........then we'll drive down to see them!

October 10th, 2008

My first blog. My passion (or fetish depending on your definition) is Teddy Bears. Here is a pic of our little girl - Taffy. I will post a picture of her big brother in a later blog.

My first grandchild - a boy, Christopher Phillip, is now one week past due date. I hope he hurries - my daughter is getting anxious. Me too.

I have been knitting for him.........I will post pics if I can figure out how! Knitting is my most pervasive passion - has been for 40 years, since I started knitting for my first child.

Current projects : the teddy bear suit from Mary Maxim. It is knitted in soft, fuzzy yarn - I'll read the label tonight when I'm at home and let you know what it is. You can see the pattern at ; a pair of birthday longies for a little girl in Tennessee.... pics soon.

I'm a retired person, who is still working. I actually retired for about two weeks. Then they asked if I would come in and do a bit of filing............sure I said! Well, that morphed into a full-time job. It's ok for now, but some day soon I'm really going to retire. Part-time would be perfect...we'll see what happens when I get back from Florida in the spring.