Here is what Christopher looked like on Friday! Doesn't he look like he is missing his Nanna? Hee! When I called his Momma yesterday, she said they had been on a family outing to the grocery store. This was her first trip to the grocery store since Christopher arrived.........but, it wasn't his first trip to the grocery store.........he went with Nanna when she was at his place. Here he is getting ready to go.

It was a lot more work getting him ready than it was taking him there and back! We had to get him all fed, then changed and dressed, then into a bunting bag (it was a cool, fall day), then strap him into the car seat portion of the stroller. Oh yes! Before all that we had to figure out how to get the car seat portion of the stroller snapped securely in - which turned out to be some kind of elaborate puzzle...but eventually we got it! Then get a nice snuggly blankie to cover up our Munchkin. Then figure out how to get the two ends of the stroller up to create a nice little cocoon to keep him warm. After all of that we were ready to go, and headed out to the grocery store.

It took less time to get to the store than it did to get ready to go! But off we finally went. Christopher was a little angel and slept all the way there, during shopping and back home again! Going through the checkout was fun. In the line-up behind me were a couple about my age (or maybe a little older - oh yes - for sure - older than me!). They admired Chris and asked "How old is he? Two months?" "Oh no" I assured them..."he is one week old today! " They were impressed with how big he was and how good he was for only one week old. The funny part is that I had chucked groceries into the designated spot under the stroller, into the foot of the stroller and one tomato into the space to put a drink attached to the handle. When I arrived at the checkout I carefully

took all the stuff out of the foot of the stroller so that I wouldn't forget it. Then dragged all the stuff out of the luggage compartment. I was busy with my conversation with the couple behind me, and the checkout clerk was busy trying to see Christopher ......... and I forgot to give her the tomato...........and she didn't notice..........so the tomato was free! By the time we got home, Chris was still worn out. And yesterday, after Momma's first trip to the grocery store, she was worn out.........they must be related! Sleep tight both of you!