Today I finished the teddy bear outfit......but I am going to wait until I can try it on Baby Christopher before I take a picture. Then we can decide if it is a success. Didn't do much else though. Sewing on soles and front feet, not to mention ears took much longer than I anticipated. I had to ask Taffy's big brother Squeegie to sit for me, so I could make sure they were placed properly. He did try on the teddy bear outfit.... the arms and legs were too long for him. He would have liked to have his picture taken in the outfit, but I told him no, we were saving it for Christopher. So, in order to keep him happy, I had to promise to post a picture of him here....so .... here is Squeegie! He's, well, ummmm....he's helping Poppa with the barbeque....and I guess he got thirsty! If I have time tomorrow, I'm going to start knitting on a pretty dress for Taffy..she doesn't have any dresses yet.

When I talked to Daughter today, she said she was tired and sore. She and Christopher arrived home safe and sound. Son-in-law is being most helpful and considerate though - which helps immensely. Christopher was doing just fine, and is still sleeping and/or eating most of the time. I'm off to see him tomorrow! Oh - and she has some pictures of him in his "coming home" outfit....so I'll see if I can get them for you! Here is Son-in-law admiring his new heir!
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