And in what seemed like a flash it was time to get him ready to come home, so Mommy got out the little blue outfit from Nanna and put it on, and then strapped him into his car seat ready for his first big journey. She was telling me that they weren't even allowed to take him out of the hospital unless he was in a car seat - times have changed since Mommy was born all those years ago! Here is what he looked like!

I forgot to bring the cable to download from my camera.....so I will post more recent pictures as soon as I get back home. He is changing already. He had his first visit to the doctor yesterday and was pronounced as being a "perfect baby". All is well.
Congratulations!! He looks great and now you will have someone to be knitting for for years to come as they grow out the outfits faster than you can produce them. Did I tell you I need two sweaters for our trip to the north in two weeks time :)