The next morning everything at home was still ok, so we decided to explore the city of Woodstock to see what it was like. We visited a grocery store and toured around the city, and left for home in the early afternoon. I think we were trying to prolong the vacation for as long as possible before getting back to the real world.
Anyway we arrived home late in the day. Kev-Inn had been out to the house and turned on the hot water tank and turned up the thermostat - so it was toasty and we could get cleaned up. However, there was nothing in the house to eat so we snuck out for dinner and some groceries. By the time we did that it was time to turn in. Unlike last year there was no snow in our neighbourhood when we drove in our driveway.
All good things must come to an end - we awoke the next morning with 6 inches of snow in the driveway! Yuk! We holed up and stayed indoors all day. But - I did call work and was invited to return the next day.
So - I did. And that brings us pretty much up-to-date - with the exception of Great Gramma Robert. When she had the heart attack she fell against her bed and bashed her head. You just would not believe the lump she has on her is huge to say the least. She was in hospital for about two weeks and they sent her to a big medical center in Newmarket, where they placed an internal pacemaker. She came back to Orillia the same day, and after a couple of days in hospital here she was allowed to return to her place. Unfortunately, the next day she was taken back to the hospital after suffering a bad spell - and as of now she is still there. She was resting comfortably and seemed in good spirits tonight - although wishing she could get back to own bed. There were no beds available so she is still in the Emergency department.
Now the snow is gone again and today it was raining and extremely windy and chilly. I sure do miss Florida!
Munchkin is flourishing! He was at our place
for Easter and once again found Poppa to be his favourite thing at Nanna's house. He is almost crawling....he can wriggle around any place he wants to go and is adept at grabbing whatever he sees - he especially seemed to like Poppa's glasses. He is trying to climb everywhere -
but forgets to hold on once he is up......and plop.......down he goes, but never complains, just rolls over and starts again! What a cutie. While he was at our place he managed to sit himself up and stay sitting - for the first time! He sat in the high chair and had a jar of baby
bananas - for the first time! He didn't even flinch at the bananas - acted like he had been eating them forever. He was much more interested in the tiny taste of sweet potato that Poppa fed him. He went for a walk in his brand, new umbrella stroller with Poppa
and Mama and complained about the bright sunshine in his eyes. But, all too soon it was time for him to go home and get rested up for his trip to the doctor for another "shot". So Poppa packed him into the car and we waved good bye.
I bet that's the cutest bear you ever saw coming down your driveway.
ReplyDeleteGood healing thoughts to Great Grandma Robert.