I took some time today (Sunday) and downloaded Granny's pictures to my computer....so now I can share some of the moments. Daddad got all dressed up - just like Munchie....they were look-a-likes for the day! Here is Daddad - and if you look at the picture to the right you can see Munchie all dressed up too! Aren't they both handsome little devils?!? Mumma also got all dressed and ready - and she looked beautiful, as Poppa got ready to walk her down the aisle!Here are a few of the special guests who travelled to Gramma's house to celebrate with Daddad and Mumma. Of course there was Granny and Gramps. Auntie Marcia and Uncle Joszef were also there. Auntie Melissa was taking pictures from all kinds of crazy angles, while Uncle Russ kept a close eye on Cousin Reese, and Cousin Taylor was a beautiful flower girl. Auntie Denise, Aunt Pauline and Aunt Jeannie were all in attendance and they all looked lovely. Reese's Grandma and Grandpa were there too!

Mumma and Dadda met the Minister on Gramma's beach and the ceremony got under way. At the appropriate time, Munchie delivered the rings to them to make things official. The vows were said, and the marriage was complete! They both look so happy! It was lovely!While Auntie Melissa took photos from every possbile angle and some unusal perspectives!

Munchie watched with glee and tried to join in the service by proudly chattering so that everyone would know they belonged to him!

Once the bride and groom were pronounced husband and wife they moved to the gazebo in Gramma's backyard (which is really, really, nice!) where they signed the required documents and sat down to have dinner. The food was absolutely delicious, but they no sooner got sitting down when guests picked up their spoons and glasses began to tinkle for the customary kiss!

They happily obliged while the admiring audience clapped and Munchie crowed with delight!

As you may have guessed it was beginning to cool down out on the beach, by the time dinner was completed. Mamma donned her jacket and went for a dance with Dadda.

Then after a long day of being separated from little Munchie, Mumma took advantage of a couple of free moments (before she started to circulate amoung the guests for a brief chat with everyone) to spend some time with her little ring-bearer.

Shortly thereafter, Munchie got tired of the whole affair and decided to retire for the night. At that point, the party began and everyone was having a good time! Many thanks to Granny for the pictures! More tomorrow!
Thank you so much for sharing the day. Mumma looks beautiful and Daddad and Munchie both handsome. And a lovely location too.