We arrived home earlier this evening...kinda worn out from all the excitement and the travelling. Everything turned out fine and everyone had a good time. Mamma called me from their secret honeymoon place tonight - they were tired and hadn't explored at all...the new bride and groom had arrived safely at their destination and had called Gramma to confirm that Munchie had settled down for the night. I didn't take the time to download any pictures off the camera. I didn't get a lot of them, because my role for the day was keeping an eye on Munchie - which didn't lend itself to picture taking. But, the good news is that, as usual, Granny Maureen was madly snapping away...so I'm hoping she will send me some to share with you. Also, Auntie Melissa was doing the official photography, so I'm hoping I will get some from her as well.... but they will probably take quite a while. Right now, I'm off to bed - in my very own, comfortable bed with my very own poofy pillows - Yes! Good Night All!
It sounds as if everything was wonderful for the day. Much happiness to the newlyweds!