one growing thing remaining is our little Munchkin - who appears to be thriving. He loves the flowers - I wonder what he will think of the snow. He probably won't be able to get down and crawl around in the snow, like he was in the grass. He came for a visit recently and while crawling over to examine a flower bed found the biggest, hairiest caterpillar I had ever seen - so I had to bring that adventure to an end ever so quickly - before he picked it up and squeezed! Since I was in charge at that moment I didn't catch it on film. This is a shot from his last visit to Poppa's house, before the infamous hair-cut. You can see how he is growing. It is amazing how much he has changed in his 10 months of the life experience. It is hard to imagine that just that short time ago he was a warm, little bundle who ate and slept - and stayed in one place when you put him down!
I haven't gotten much knitting done.
The cover-up is still growing slowly, but very slowly it seems. One of the girls at work is off on sick leave for another week, so I've been filling in. Kev-Inn was also off. He spent his time off helping Poppa put a new roof on the tool shed. I was at work doing Kev-Inn's stuff, so I didn't get a picture, but here they are throwing out the old shingles at a local disposal site. I thought they looked really cute with their hard hats on!
of the girls at work is leaving to pursue another opportunity. She was looking pensive in this shot I took. I can't imagine what she was thinking! We're going to miss her a lot - she always kept us laughing with her tales of wedding showers, family get-togethers and ex-wives. She is one of those people who always adds some sunshine to the day - even when she's having a bad day, she makes others smile. Good Luck! Oh yes, and just before she left I did catch her smiling! She's pretty too!
Here is another
shot from one of our Sunday drives. I love this part of the country. It is north of where we live in a large expanse of crown land that runs along a fast-flowing river. The greenery grows with wild abandon for humanity. There is a good chance of espying all sorts of wild life and in the fall the area resounds with the crack of gun shots while hunters seek trophies and food. But, at this time of year it is peaceful and alluring. One of my favourite spots at any time of the year. Wouldn't this make an amazing, challenging jigsaw puzzle?!?
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