A few pictures that I didn't get into my last post. This is one of my favourites! Here is Mumma with Poppa and me. She looks soooo pretty! I think Daddad and Munchkin were both quite proud of her - and I know that Poppa and Nanna were both proud and happy for her on this important day! She was very busy, taking time to chat with everyone - and we were glad there was time to take some pictures. Once more, I have to say thank you to Granny for catching many of these minutes on camera - so we could enjoy them for a long, long time. She did such a good job, and is so kind to share them with me.

And, here is Daddad with Gramma and, in case you weren`t sure who the little person is, that would be Munchie! Gramma looks happy and proud of both of them. Daddad was looking particularly handsome and, of course, Munchie looked extremely handsome too. I think I can see a distinct resemblance between the three of them. And, see the beautiful lake behind them - Gramma wakes up to that view every day. Her bedroom overlooks the lake. She has sliding glass doors that lead to a balcony, where she can sit and read or just relax to the sound of waves - how wonderful!

Here is an absolutely delightful addition to Uncle Shaun`s Abanconed Series. Auntie Colleen pointed out for me how even the Tim Horton`s cup has its fall colours on - which are complimented perfectly by the mums in the background. The fall colours are just starting to turn up on the trees around our house. I`m guessing that in another couple of weeks it will very pretty - maybe Uncle Shaun will find another abandoned object near a pretty coloured maple tree so I can post another picture for you!

Now, just in case you looked at those wedding pictures and decided that Munchkin was getting quite grown up - here is a photo taken yesterday where he is displaying his cuteness and looking like the little Munchie that we are more familiar with! He is waiting for Mumma to rescue him from his crib and take him out for something to eat - and I can see the smile of anticipation in his big, blue eyes.
Those are some excellent wedding shots. Not to mention that cutie patootie at the end *g*.