We are leaving the villa today - which makes me sad. We will be in Florida until Sunday morning, when we leave for Canada. Therefore this will be the last blog until possibly next Wednesday when we are home! The bears have had..........
...........a wonderful time shopping and eating and basking in the shade (sun is bad for their fur). They don't want to go home. Before we hit the road I wanted to share........
......this picture of the little church in the strip mall. We have been there each Sunday this year, sitting.........
.........in one of these chairs. All the regular parishioners here are working diligently to try to raise funds to build a larger church on property given them by the diocese because these seats are all filled to capacity twice on Saturday evening and five times on Sunday. We enjoyed our visits there and hopefully next year we will be sitting in their dream church!
Poppa is doing a few last minute chores.....
.... and if I can get him to stop we are going for breakfast! See you in a few days!
Have a safe and enjoyable journey.