Thursday, November 6, 2014


......... after a couple of weeks had gone by

.......... we received some visitors!  You probably recognize Buster and Friend and Big Buster....... they are joined by Broggy and Hounddog and Sam.  Sam always lives at our house, but the rest of the gang all live with Munchie!  Yes, Mommy came with the boys for a visit - and Munchie brought all of his bears with him!  Daddy had to go to Gramma's house - so we got the rest of the family!  As you already know, Poppa has been really busy raking and disposing of leaves for the last month.... and he was still doing that when the boys arrived.
It wasn't long before he had some helpers!  You will notice that Mommy is helping too!
We lost Munchie for a while - and Curtis wasn't very helpful - he wanted Poppa to drive the tractor and move the trailer ............but...........
... But with some help from Mommy we discovered a mound of leaves that moved around!
..... and soon we had two little boys again!

Poppa decided to follow the lead of our other neighbours and started this wonderful method of disposing of the collected leaves.  So he pulled the trailer - full of leaves and two little boys with two buckets....

........ where he received some excellent help..........

The littel boys started putting leaves into the buckets

Munchie even put his gardening gloves on!
He filled his buket to the brim.
And carried it over to the edge of the trailer.
And then helped Poppa carry it to the fire.
While Mommy kept a close watch on Curtie while he was dumping his bucket.  The day was a great success - and Poppa got his leaves raked up!  Afterwards we went in for some homemade macaroni and cheese which turned out to be a great success!  It was a great visit and we were happy they had come!

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