Here are some more pi

cs of the shower at Granny's place. Great-great Aunt Peggy looked peachy, Auntie Colleen looked quite picturesque, Great-Grandma Grace looked quite regal , as usual! It was so good of them all to attend the gala!
Also there was Gramma Linda and Aunt Karen.

Gramma Linda was quite brave since she was walking into a room-full of people she had never met. She handled it graciously and everyone was very pleased to meet her. She came toting a huge toy box which she had decorated herself (she's an artist) and it turned out to contain a huge mountain of

wonderful toys for Christopher. As you can see Auntie Cecile toured around serving goodies...and in the background you can see Granny Maureen with her youngest grand-daughter - that would be Trinity - who has just learned to walk and

demonstrated for us so winsomely!
Here is Trinity's Mom, Lori who travelled from Belleville with her three little ones to honour us with her presence.
And of course, there was

Aunt Bonnie, Auntie Tricia, little Cousin Ian and Aunt Linda . Also, I can't leave out Auntie Jean who also contributed a lovely box of butter tarts for snack time - which we all enjoyed immensely. I understand that

Great-Gramma Eileen was in on that too - even though she could not be there. Speaking of people who could not be there - another special mention to Aunt Christine who sent a parcel too. And of course, we must remember Aunt Marcia from Toronto - we missed her, but she remembered us and sent a lovely package as well. You can imagine how long it took for Momma to open all of

Christopher's presents with so many wonderful people contributing to the huge pile.
As for the guest of honour, he was so worn out from all the excitement visiting all those ladies and opening all those presents that he took a nap in Squeegie's swing and had wonderful dreams. Sleep tight little Munchkin!
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