Yesterday Christopher got all dressed up and took Momma to the grocery store. Of course, he made her push him in his stroller - so he had a lovely trip and Momma got a little road-weary. But, it was a lovely day for a stroll and the groceries were obtained without incident. Once again, the Munchkin was the "perfect" baby and behaved extremely well.... so well in fact, that Momma assures me she is going to "do it again". I didn't get a report regarding what they had for supper after that excursion - I'll have to ask! I finished off a pair of socks for Uncle Kevin F. to take hunting with him, but I forgot to take a picture and my camera is at home on the kitchen table....usually it is in my purse, for once it isn't. They were lovely socks too - made of cotton with yarn I bought in Florida last year in lovely heather-ey colours suitable for fall hunting...oh well... a description will have to suffice.
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