I'm at work already - so I don't have any of the pictures I took - but here is one that Auntie Colleen took of Momma and Chris. The shower was a huge success. The presents were piled high and the food that Granny and Auntie Cecile prepared was yummy. There were lots of guests including Aunt Tricia from Bermuda, and Gramma from Windsor, Ont. A slew of relatives that Dadda met for the first time and a few that he already knew. The little Munchkin got passed around and admired. Now he's waiting to get big enough to play with all the toys he got and use up all the diapers people generously contributed for him to fix up. Many thanks to Granny and Auntie Cecile and Auntie Tricia - and, of course, to all who attended with their generous gifts for little Christopher - and to those who kindly sent parcels even though they were unable to join in the festivities! Oh yes, and.............when I got up this morning there had been another shower - the ground was covered with snow - I almost had to get out some shoes, but decided that there was just a little and my crocs would suffice for today if I was careful. I'm hoping it is all gone by lunch time.
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