And...Dada had an unfortunate encounter with a hack saw while he as at work the other day and the hack saw won.
Dada went to the hospital and they fixed it up as best they could, and then put a rather impressive bandage on it, and told him not to get it wet. This meant that Mama and Dada switched duties for a few days. Mama did bath duty, and Dada took over food duty. We didn't get a picture of the bath...but here is dinner time. It looks to me as if Munchkin behaved like a little gentleman and Dada handled his new duty quite well. Now.. I'm not sure that a little gentleman would look like this when dinner was finished, but here is Munchkin...I guess it was time for a bath then!

The weather in Florida today is decidedly cool. We went for a walk earlier and discovered that when you were walking and in the sun - it is really quite warm....so Poppa has gone for 9 holes of golf. Taffy and I are watching CNN and doing some knitting. All is well.
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