Today has been a lovely day in Central Florida! The sun was partly obscured by clouds from time to time, but overall is was a sunny day. The temperature reached about 74F which is perfect for sitting outside reading a book in the screened-in pool area. So I did that, while Poppa went golfing - well he isn't home yet, but it is getting

cooler outside and I should get vegetables ready for the steamer for supper - so I came inside. Oh, but earlier in the day you'll never guess who went for a bath! Taffy was thrilled, but Squeegie protested all the way, from getting him un-dressed to finally closing the lid on the washing machine! But, I insisted - they had been sleeping in motels, and sitting on all kinds of furniture and in some warm weather, and I think Squeegie forgot his deoderant one day.......and the rest is history.

I received pics this morning from Mama and lo! and behold! Dada and Mama (note spelling change - Mama is spelling it this way.) went out and purchased a new chair for their place.

Here is the photo. Can you tell who that is perched in the new chair? Oh my goodness, Munchkin is growing up while I am in Florida.......who would have thought? Not only that, but I get the impression that he is reaching out to play with that complicated looking amusement toy beside him.

Oh - the dryer appears to be finished.......I'll go see what is happening in the laundry room. And........this is what I found. Ooooooh! They smell so nice and fresh and feel sooo fuzzy! Little darlings they are!
Better go get those vegetables ready...............
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