Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Another Santa

Here is a picture of Munchie with Santa on Saturday afternoon - at the children's party where Mama works.  Since our Christmas celebration on the weekend, it has been determined that the parents' names are Mama and Daddee..... just so you know!  Having already had a visit with the jolly, old elf - Munchie was somewhat loathe to give up his pizza for a photo shoot, and thus the pizza is in the picture too!

Our Christmas dinner and consequent ritual of opening presents, was a complete success.  Munchie seemed enthralled with each and every toy he opened, while showing a rather typical disdain for the packages containing clothing.  He went outside and played in the snow with Daddee and Mama before it was time to go home....and the weekend was declared over.

I have pictures to post and will try to get to that tonight or tomorrow night.  As you might imagine, it has been a rather busy time around our house lately - and other things have been occupying my time.  And now, it is time to gather together the items necessary for our sojourn in a warmer climate, and prepare them for the journey.  Hopefully I won't forget anything!


  1. Obviously he is getting used to Santa. He looks much more comfortable here. Of course, maybe it's the pizza *g*.
