Munchie arrived in good time - earlier than we expected - so he had time to play before dinner.
Once the other guests arrived, I didn't have time for pictures, but I did grab the camera so I could take a picture for Auntie Muffy - of her favourite part of Christmas. Kevin bought the turkey for the Christmas dinner, and he certainly didn't get the smallest turkey in the store!
After the magnificent feast on turkey beast, Grandma Grace and Aunt Peggy retired to the sitting room, while Munchie provided entertainment.
While Kevin and Nanna cleaned up the kitchen and chatted with the guests, Poppa, Mama and Daddee took Munchie across the road to our park to see the Christmas display set up over there. This is an annual display created by a neighbour of ours. He spends hours setting it all up with the help of his children and few other neighbours. Everyone is invited to stroll through and a donation jar is available. He does an amazing job and it is a delight to see up close.
It was quite cold that evening, and when they got back from admiring all the pretty lights and scenarios in the park, Mama got Munchie ready for bed in his fuzzy, warm sleepers. She gave him a few minutes to play under the watchful eye of Poppa.
As you can see, he was quite fond of the rocking Pooh on this visit. He played with all the toys and romped with Poppa until he was feeling quite worn out from all the activity and the turkey feast. Then, he said good night to Poppa and everyone else, and headed off to dreamland.
After a good night's sleep, Munchie was up bright and early. He had some play-time with Daddee until Poppa got up and then, he sat with Poppa like a very good little boy, awaiting the chance to open presents. It seemed to take an awfully long time for breakfast to be over!
Finally everyone gathered around and the present-fest began. Munchie seemed delighted with every present he opened and soon the parlour looked like this!
It didn't seem very long until we were having supper and then it was time for little Munchie to return home, taking Mama and Daddee with him. We certainly did enjoy his visit and it will seem a long time until we see him again.
Everything is packed except for this laptop and we will be heading out in a couple of hours, on a quest for warmer temperatures and a snow-free environment. WhooHoo!
And a good time was had by all...