So, we'll start at the beginning and I'll try to catch up! Munchie arrived last Friday afternoon. Mumma brought him up and we all went to Pizza Hut for dinner. While we were awaiting the arrival of our food, the nice waitress gave Munchie some nice crayons to draw a picture. He loved them!
Once the pizza was delivered he was happy to taste it, and what he said was "Oh Wow!"
When we were finished eating, Poppa scooped up our little guy, and Mumma headed back to her place to finish packing for the trip to Niagara Falls. We headed back to our house. Munchie demonstrated how skilled he had become at climbing on and off of the rocking Pooh - as well as his ability to actually rock on it now.
As you can see - by the soother stuck in there - he was starting to get a little tired. Nanna took him upstairs and got him all clean and dry and tucked into his jammies for the night and then brought him back downstairs for goodnight kisses with Poppa.
On Saturday, Nanna had to go to work - in preparation for the GoLive phase of the new computer system there. Poppa and Munchie spent the day together and according to all reports, had a great day playing. They went to Burger King for lunch. Poppa did the messy bottom thing - which makes me very proud of him - I know that was a difficult task. All in all they had a good day together and were both in a happy mood when I arrived home. Sunday arrived quickly and shortly after breakfast the phone call came from Daddad and it was time to pack our little Munchie into the car with Squeegie and Taffy to take our little guy back to his house. After playing with Poppa all day Saturday and playing with me Sunday morning, he was quite tired and fell asleep shortly after we hit the highway, then slept most of the way home.
I heard a rumour that he seemed to be missing Poppa after we left - but it wouldn't be a long stretch until we saw him again.
Awwwww. What a great weekend. Was that Munchkin's first taste of pizza?