After the long weekend at Gramma's house, Mommee decided it was time for Cujee to be introduced to Poppa's house. I think she was hoping for a bit of a break and that Poppa and Nanna would help out with the little boys for a couple of days. We did our best and we hope it worked for her! We sure did enjoy it.
Poppa had a turn with both the boys......notice Munchie's little toes in this one! Poppa looks pleased with this task doesn't he?
Once Poppa had Cujee sleeping soundly, he took some time to show Munchie something new that he had bought for him. Munchie has always been intrigued with watches, so Poppa bought him a small one of his own.

Munchie thought this was pretty cool, but he wasn't used to having something on his arm and soon decided that he wanted it off.
While we were eating supper, Kev-Inn tried on Munchie's hat.....
It was obviously too small for Kev-Inn and Munchie thought it looked hilarious!
After we cleaned up the supper dishes it was time for Poppa to help Munchie into those new Elmo jammas we had bought for him, to make sure they fit, and would keep him nice and warm while he slept.
The next day after breakfast.... was my turn to hold little Cujee..........who fell asleep soon after we had a little chat....
He looks so small! He has his little monster jammas on, and he seemed to like being fuzzy and warm - he slept a lot! Such a good little tiny fellow! After a while I handed him over to Mommee (while Squeegie looked on!), so she could hold him while I got supper ready.
When supper was ready, Poppa picked up Aunt Peggy and brought her out for her first visit with Cujee and to have supper with us.
Soon Munchie and Poppa escorted Aunt Peggy out to the car and took her home. And once they were back at Poppa's house, Munchie headed off to bed once again.
Another peaceful night. Cujee only wakes up once or twice through the night - usually just once - which is a nice change for Mommee - Munchie woke up every couple of hours - or sometimes less! Poppa, myself and Munchie didn't hear a sound during the night and slept soundly - which was good because bright and early in the morning, Munchie was asking Poppa what was on the plan for the day.
They both got dressed, had breakfast, played with some toys, and took a walk over to the playground, but they couldn't play because everything was too wet and the ground was soggy from all the recent rain. So, as a special treat for Munchie, Poppa once again got the tractor out of the shed....
Yep - you're seeing correctly! Munchie is out there cutting the grass with Poppa - again! He loves to drive the tractor and was quite pleased with himself.
They weren't quite done the whole yard when they had to stop for some important visitors! Uncle Brian and Aunt Denise had come to have a look at the newest arrival and Munchie didn't want to miss his chance to have a visit with them either. Here he is showing off his little brother to Aunt Denise.
When Aunt Denise and Uncle Brian left, Mommee decided it was time to get on the road before the rush hour traffic started on the highway and our little visit ended. Poppa and I were both feeling a little sorry that it was over while we waved good-bye to our tearful little Munchie, who seemed sad too.
What box? Oh yes - that box. I'll tell you all about it in my next post!