Monday, September 13, 2010

The Squeegie Blog...

We are all familiar with this little fellow...........
His name is Squeegie.  He is nine years old.  I discovered him in a Wal-Mart store in Kississimee, FL in February of 2001.  He was so fuzzy then - for some reason - perhaps a lot of loving - his fur is a little less fuzzy now.  His favourite past-time is eating and he loves KFC, Longhorn Steakhouse and anything chocolate.  He has always been a good little bear. Over the last three weeks he has been exemplary though - let me explain.

Munchie will be two next month - and is currently suffering through the terrible twos!  Up until recently he got whatever he wanted - his wants were simple - food, drink, change, a few toys and lots of loving.  Suddenly his world is expanding and suddenly there are all sorts of things that he isn't allowed to do, or isn't allowed to touch.  Suddenly he is expected to go for a nap because the big people think he's tired.  Suddenly he is expected to eat carrots when he really wants cookies or treats.  The big world is just not as fun as it used to be and he is trying to assert his will over the big people.  It's not always a pleasant experience for any of us.  And - that is where Squeegie comes into the picture.  For instance, it is nap-time and Munchie tells us "I don't like nap".  Squeegie says "OK - I'm tired - I'll take the blankie and go to bed".  Squeegie grabs the blankie and heads to the bedroom.  Munchie watches him and quietly follows, climbs into the crib behind Squeegie and settle down easily for a nap.  Yay Squeegie!

After nap-time Munchie needs to be changed, but tells us "I don't like diaper change".  Hee!  Squeegie decides he does like diaper changes - and lays down on the change pad to get a diaper on.  Munchie watches him quietly and when Squeegie is re-dressed, Munchie lifts him off the change table and gets on himself.  Mission accomplished!  Yay Squeegie!

The epitome of the ingenuity of this little bear was demonstrated the day Mommee wanted to cut Munchie's fingernails.  Mommee was telling me how much Munchie abhorred this event and wondered if Squeegie could help.  Sure enough, Squeegie requested that Mommee cut his nails.  After watching in silence while Mommee used her clippers to cut Squeegie's nails, and Squeegie giggled and laughed each time the clippers snipped - Munchie climbed up on Mommee's knee and held out his hand.  Mommee was able to get fingernails and toe nails clipped with ease.  Hip-hip-hooray Squeegie!
And then there was the Kodak moment when Mommee and the little boys were here visiting last week, when Squeegie took some time out from his busy day to comfort little Cujee as he was falling asleep.
What an amazing little bear - no wonder we all love him!

1 comment:

  1. This seriously brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful story. What a wonderful bear!
