Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Poppa and the Dentist and a Bath

I still didn't get the Cujee bath pictures posted..........for a couple of really good reasons!  Yesterday in the morning, Poppa went to the dental surgeon to have some mandibular tori removed from the floor of his mouth.  I looked it up on the internet and it looks pretty awful.  He was fine when he got home, but soon afterwards started to notice the pain.  He had an appointment in the afternoon, and as soon as it was over we stopped to pick up the prescriptions they had given him.  After taking some of them, and having a short nap, he felt good to go again and went down to the workshop to labour some more on the driveway down there.  I took some pictures, but haven't downloaded them yet.  While he was napping I was busy knitting.  I finished the border for the blanket and am now going full tilt on the overalls.  They seem to go quickly after the bigger blanket.  Here is a picture of how far I was on Friday evening.
I am happy to report that Poppa is doing much better than I expected he would - as long as he takes his pills!  He even had KFC for supper - after it had been in the blender that is.  But he really enjoyed it - I think it was better than the chicken noodle soup he had last night.

And, earlier in the day - while he was at the dentist - I got a call from work, asking if I could come in for a few days, since there were several people off, and it was month-end............so for the first time in nine months I headed off to the office this morning.  I had forgotten a lot about their new computer system, but it slowly came back and I actually enjoyed the day - which passed very quickly.

Meanwhile, about the bath - as soon as Poppa and Munchie got away from the kitchen sink I took off Cujee's little diaper and lowered him carefully onto the towel in the bottom of the sink.  I just could not believe how much the little guy loved that bath.  He cooed and smiled and stared up  at me as if I was the most wonderful Nanna in the world. 

He did take a second to glance over at Mommee taking pictures...........

Serious looking little fellow for a moment............but he loved that bath.............and soon afterwards he fell soundly asleep............so I snapped a picture before Mommee took him up to the cradle.
Back to the knitting needles!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch to the dental work but blender KFC might be a new hit. Or not.
    The blanket is sweeeet. The bath photos are priceless. I love how it wore him out. So cute.
