Poppa is on his way to the city today to visit his cousin and deliver Christmas presents there. When he is done with that errand, he plans to stop in to see the Munchkin, and determine how well the "shot" business went, and how our little Munchkin is feeling about all that.
Poppa is still not feeling "up to par", but we think perhaps that is because of the medication he is on..........so we're kinda hoping that the doctor will change it when Poppa is there on Friday and get things back to normal. I'll update after he has been to visit the doctor with the latest info on that.
I have the stripey longies ready for shipment - except for the elastic in the waist and some nice blocking to make them look pretty for the princess in TN. I have started a pair of blue leggings for Taffy, since she is so fond of the yellow ones I did previously. I'll try to get pics on the weekend. I haven't got much done lately, in the knitting department, since I am preparing for three months away from work and I need to get all my ducks in a row there. In addition to that, one of the staff is away until after Christmas so I am doing her job as well. Ergo, in order to do the work of two people, I must work extra hours, so have been coming back into the office after I visit the old Aunt and grab a bite to eat at a fast-food restaurant. Then I work until about 9:30pm or so, and hurry home for a glass of champagne and some relaxation before

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