Sunday, December 7, 2008


Well - Poppa is still sick. So I went out to shovel the I can get the car out tomorrow is he is not feeling well enough to keep the car, like he usually does. He came out part way through and did the hard part where the plow went by with the snowblower - against my advice and better judgement. Now he has gone back to bed for a nother nap - I sure wish he would get up feeling better, but it looks like a trip to the walk-in clinic tomorrow - or maybe emergency department - though if I were choosing I would wait for the walk-in clinic! Meantime, when I'm not sitting here writing this blog, then I am sitting here doing some knitting - which as I mentioned yesterday is a nice quiet thing when someone is sleeping. At least it has been bright and sunny today even though the temperature is about -14C which is chilly if you're standing around, but I found out it is quite warm when you are shovelling!

The bears were feeling worried about Poppa and I found them looking like this.

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