Poppa's sisters were due to arrive via Westjet at quarter to 11 on Thursday, March 11th. Just for the fun of it, I decided to check their flight status about supper time. The status at the time was "On Time". OK - all is well. We had supper and tidied the villa one more time. Poppa said we needed to leave the villa about 9:15 to ensure we were there in good time. So, about 8:30 I checked the status again. This time the flight said "Delayed" with a new arrival time of 11:30. All ritey then, we didn't need to leave until about 10, so we sat down for another interval. At ten we hopped up and headed over to the airport. By the time we got there, the big board said 11:45 arrival time. We wandered around the airport a little, but all the stores were closed for the night..... except McDonalds........ so we stopped and had a Mac Snack Wrap.... they are quite tasty little things and extraordinarily inexpensive. By the time we were finished the flight was "In Range" and it wasn't long before it was "Arrived". Hurray! Of course then it seemed to take forever before Poppa finally spied the girls trudging along the hall coming from the arrival gate.

Then we headed off to the baggage retrieval area, where the baggage turned up surprisingly quickly. Once that was accomplished, Poppa helped the girls take their luggage out to the car and get it loaded inside.
See Poppa in his Florida clothes and the girls in their Canada clothes? Hee! I love Florida! Come to think of it, the girls look happy to be here too! They were both feeling quite weary after their long day of driving, waiting and flying and were pleased to get into the back seat where they were greeted by Squeegie and Taffy.
Away we went heading to the villa, and the luggage was brought in. We all had a cup of tea, and then headed to bed - about 2:30 in the morning as I recall!
This picture was the next morning before we set out for a day of shopping!
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