Easter Sunday at Munchie's house - how I wish I could have been there to watch. But, Mommee kindly sent me a few pictures so I could enjoy it from afar. So - here for your enjoyment (and mine) is a pictorial review of the Easter egg hunt....at the doorway to Munchie's bedroom he found a basket...
....with a few eggs inside. He took it down the hall to show Mommee and Daddee....
...and found some more eggs along the way....
...and more...
....and even more....
.....Little Smiley enjoyed watching his big brother trudge around discovering eggs in all sorts of nooks and crannies.....
...and eventually the trail of eggs led Munchie outdoors to the deck....
....see them situated across the yard?
Finally he had filled both his own and Little Smiley's baskets....
and he found the very last egg....
....which he found on the edge of the Easter Bunny's best present of all! A new sandbox....
Awesome! And since Little Smiley thought that perhaps sand would taste good...........Mommee let him play in the grass with his very own shovel and pail....
....and at the end of the day - both little boys were ready for bed. Little Smiley was tucked in nicely....
...Munchie thought he didn't want to go to bed, but weariness overtook him anyway.
I don't think I could sleep like that, but I'm pretty sure Daddee carried him off to his bed!
Munchie loves this blog!