Friday, May 20, 2011

Strolling Along

I'm not sure, but I think Uncle Shaun stood on his head to get this picture......which I love for a few demonstrates the progress of spring here in the north, the colours are gorgeous....and Auntie Colleen's little description makes it a special photo!
And the commentary that accompanies the photo - "This is a little late but Shaun took the shot of Tyler's flowers this year. To think, 15 years ago, my bright, funny and handsome Godson was born, and these flowers adorned the table at the shower I held. He's grown as well as the crocuses." Hee!  The circle of life.

On that spring theme, these pictures are also about two weeks old - but this is the ancient oak tree that grows quite close to our house - I always wonder how many more years it will have life in its boughs.
I took this on our first walk up to the coffee shop since returning home from Florida, before spring was fully sprung.  While on our walk this morning, I noticed there was lots of life left in the old girl yet - but I hadn't brought my camera with me.  I'll remember next time and get another picture for you.  We also spied the ducks in the stream again this year....
...can you see them way up there?  I had my little camera with me that day, it doesn't zoom in as well as the big one, but it is lighter to carry.  We were gone for a while, and Taffy wanted to come to find us.............
.......but she couldn't reach the pedals on Munchie's little trike!


  1. Patience Taffy! Your little legs might reach the pedals one day :)

  2. Awww, poor Taffy! You need a way to take her on walk...
