Well, I was right - Mommee took about two minutes to choose her slippers. She chose this pair.....
........and put them on her feet immediately because the floor was cold in the computer area in the unfinished part of our basement - she is on the desktop because I am on the laptop! Hee! I call Mommee's pair "flower garden", they are natural and delicate like her. And, of course this left one pair for Gramma. That is this pair....
.....which I'll call "artsie flowers" in honour of Gramma's wonderful artistic abilities! In case you haven't seen her artwork and would like to - visit her blog at lindamsart.blogspot.com
And, now that the slippers are finished it is time to move on. The feature of the next giveaway will be scarves and anyone who is interested please e-mail Taffy. Her e-mail address is taffy.robert@gmail.com
When you e-mail please indicate whether you are interested in fashion scarves for office and leisure wear, or if you prefer good old-fashioned warm scarves for Canadian winter neckware. Taffy is looking forward to your e-mails! Thanks for reading and for participating. My stash is slowly shrinking and I would like to continue with the giveaways until it is depleted - your help in that direction is appreciated - not to mention - I enjoy the chance to knit!
Thank you I love my slippers!