Friday, June 10, 2011

The Picking

The picking has begun.  Gramma got her e-mail in right on time........and she picked this pair.... I sent the remaining pictures to Auntie Denise so she can pick a pair for her friend Louise.  I'll let you know when she has chosen.

Take a look at this wonderful hanging plant we found at our local fruit market.
It is call fox tail, and those long red things are so deliciously fuzzy - it's all I can do to keep my hands off them!

And here is a poignant photo taken by Uncle Shaun...........
........which evokes several is Auntie Colleen's descriptive narrative.....
"It was a dark and stormy day (tm Snoopy) as they crept through the spiky weeds, through the vine encrusted trees, to the haunted remains of a once thriving homestead..."

1 comment:

  1. I love that plant! I think I almost bought one once but I think it needs full sun, of which there is little around here.
