Monday, June 20, 2011

Guess Where.....

...........Poppa and I went on Saturday????!!!  Here is a hint....
..........yep!  We went to Munchie's house.  As you can see, Munchie and Little Smiley got a pool.  Little Smiley isn't really that fond of the water, but Munchie still loves it!  We had a nice visit....those little boys keep everyone busy and on their toes!  Daddee barbequed some big juicy pork chops and Mommee steamed vegetable for supper on Saturday - it was sooo good.  Little Smiley enjoyed all of it...
...and Munchie did too.  He ate all his supper and then....
........he was so tired after his busy day that he curled up on his chair and went sound asleep.  Poppa and I stayed the night.  The next day was just as busy.  After a long walk to the playground Munchie decided he was tired of walking and looked for an alternative means of transportation....
...he started with his Elmo trike, but that seemed to require some expenditure of energy.... he thought he would try his hot rod, but it needed air in the he finally settled on his electric car - which Daddee can operate with a remote control and Munchie could relax.  Meanwhile, Little Smiley had found his own method of getting from place to place....
on all fours!

While we were in Timmins, my roses came out........
........this beautiful big red one and.....
........and the pretty little yellow sweetheart roses too!

We have one more participant in the slipper giveaway........Auntie Denise has put her request in too!


  1. Love the 'play-by-play'! Nice roses!

  2. Oops: I got the posts mixed up. This goes with the last post *g*: How perfect is the Boy's Room! Oh, it is ideal. How special for them.
    I'm envious of Munchie. He can sleep anywhere! How adorable. Little Smiley is growing up so fast and looks so wise... and happy!
    Beautiful roses.
