Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sock Giveaway 2014

Remember this???
Yep...... that's my sock stash, taken on January 3rd of this year.  Here is the latest shot.....
......... taken on February 11th.  As you can see - there are quite a few skeins of yarn that have disappeared.  And since that date, there are a few more missing!  After sending out the "giveaway" e-mail to anyone I thought might be interested.... I got an amazing response.  Here (in the order that sox will be chosen) is the list of ladies requesting socks this year:  Auntie Collen, Aunt Grumpy, Auntie Denise, Lucy (my friend at work), Sue (another pal from work), Aunt Lynda, Mommy, Gramma, Shannon (the "new" payroll administrator at work), Laura (the young lady who is doing the work I usually do when I am there), Saori ( a lovely young lady - here from Japan to solve some system problems), Keiko (the girl with the beautiful smile at work), Dorothy (my boss when I am at work) and last but not least Mildred (Kev-Inn's Mom).  In all fairness I must tell you - Mildred picked out the yarn she liked best before I left home - she came to our house with Kev-Inn when he visited for his list of chores to do while we were away. you can guess, I have been extremely busy making socks since I arrived!
  While I was working on this pair (which is finished now), Squeegie was very kind and.....
.... helped me carry the first 11 pairs outside so I could get some good pictures in the beautiful Florida sunshine (translated - natural light which best displays the colours).  I sent those off to Auntie Colleen, so she could start considering.  As soon as I have sent her the final 4 pictures and she has chosen I will send the pictures to the next participant and post the picture of those chosen by Auntie Colleen and so on......... I have one sock to knit for the last pair and then the choosing can begin!  While all this choosing is going on, I'll start another six pairs for the men who are wanting new socks!

Here's a photo of my two favourite boys getting ready to do some cleaning............

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