I was absolutely certain that those Chippendales would be a bad influence on our little Munchkin. He got himself all buffed up and trudged off for auditions. Of course, being the gorgeous little hunk that he is, he was accepted right away, and invited to spend some time with the rest of the crew and get acquainted. Daddad was supposed to be keeping an eye on the little guy, but I'm guessing he must have gotten distracted and lost track of what was going on..........because an undercover agent that I had sent along sent me this photo and

it is clear that Munchie is into things that someone his age should not even have tasted! And....according to my spy he had five of these to his credit before he quit. Of course by that time he was feeling quite tired and worn out and could barely stay awake long enough to have his supper before he crashed for the night.
Poppa is outside working on the landscaping at the front of the house, under Squeegie's supervision....I'll think I'll head out there to see what is going on.
hee. Now I'm not sure what Munchie is into. Are those toes?