Friday, July 10, 2009


Well - I'm a little late with the "tomorrow" picture of the socks for Muffy (Aka Auntie). My oldest daughter tends to be a little quirky and likes to be a little different without being ostentatious. So, I started these socks with the best of intentions - to make them in blue tones - her favourite colour. And, they started out rather nicely I thought. Here is the first picture I took of them.

I am having trouble getting my daily picture of Munchkin. There appears to have been a mishap with Mama's computer. She isn't sure what happened, but whatever it was, she heard a loud bang, ran into the computer room, found Munchkin smiling up at her innocently, and the computer hasn't worked since. So, I decided to share a previous excursion with you this time. It turned out to be quite warm last week, so our little explorer decided to hop on his jeep and head off to the great unknown again.

Uncle Shaun has a rather well-known and famous series of photos called "the Abandoned Series". On his travels taking Murfee (the famous calendar dog) for walks into the great unknown, he often comes across abandoned objects with a striking similarity to each other. I am madly in love with this series and find it interesting to note the care taken by folks abandoning these objects. I often find myself imagining the position he has to get himself into in order to capture these shots. This is one of them.

Yesterday Poppa, Auntie and Pal all went down to visit Munchkin - and once again I forgot to send the camera - so with Mama's computer down and my camera here at the house - I have no photos from that visit. I heard that Munchkin was quite taken with Pal and very happy to see Poppa and smiled widely to see Auntie again so soon. I think everyone enjoyed the visit.

Earlier this morning, while Auntie was still sleeping, I finished her socks. They seemed to develop a personality of their own as I worked on them, and turned out a little on the quirky side - just like their new owner. I'm hoping she'll smile when she thinks about what is inside her shoes, on one of those cold winter days up north where she lives. And, I hope they'll help keep her feet warm too!

Meanwhile, back at the expedition site - Munchkin was surprised to discover an unexplored yet inviting-looking blue lagoon while he was on his most recent expedition. Since he was quite warm, he decided to jump in for a quick dip and was further delighted to discover that the lagoon was full of toys just waiting to be investigated. He spent quite a while enjoying and relaxing before climbing out and heading home for supper.

Things were made easy for me at the grocery store earlier. With Uncle Shaun's abandoned series in mind - I was rather startled to discover an excellent example that he had overlooked. It was at eye level so it didn't require a sharp eye, nor did it require me to scrunch down close to the ground, or climb up any rickety stairs. It was just sitting there crying out for attention. Since I carry my camera in my purse wherever I go (unless of course I have forgotten it beside my computer - hee!), I pulled it out and snapped this photo for his scrutiny.

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Shaun laughed in delight and said, "Excellent," when he saw your addition to the Abandoned Series. hee.

    You know, that CMMM takes an excellent picture. Even from the back, his personality shines through.

    And the quirky socks for the quirky Aunt are the best!
