Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Whole Lot of Catching Up!

 As you may have noticed - I am very far behind in my posts!  I am still going through all my UK photos.  I have posted the highlights for you - but will probably still find photos I want to share - so don't be surprised if you find a pic of someplace in the UK from time to time!

This is just one to make you smile if you are familiar with the knitting habits of a knitting addict (like me!).

Taffy is still modelling each new outfit she gets - this is her latest night-time fashion.

Poppa couldn't wait to get his yard looking like a photo from a gardening magazine!

This is a close-up of the centerpiece I created for Aunt Jeannie's new blanket.

And this is the blanket - finished!

What is Popa doing now??

I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our Bear Family.  Squeegie (as you may have noticed!) was getting very used-looking and losing his genral shape, not to mention he was getting less fuzzy all the time.  So.... with some sadness, we decided that he should retire - but that left Poppa with an empty chilly space when he was lounging in his chair.  So, we started searching for a suitable replacement.  It was no small feat!  We looked in every store that had bears, but it took a long time to find the right one.  Then, while at Shoppers' Drug Mart one day - in the midst of their Valentine's Day display - there sat Squishie!!!  Poppa and I both loved him at first site - so he came home with us!

Dressed in some of Squeegie's clothes, learning how to use the computer and keeping a close eye on everything Poppa was doing - he soon fit right in!  I'm sure you will see more of him later!

We weren't home very long (from our UK visit) when I heard a noise in the backyard....

.... you guessed it!  Poppa was outside raking leaves!

I made this blanket for the daughter of an employee at Aunt Jeannie's residence.

She also wanted a Peppa Pig - so I made this one and gave it a small balnket of its own.

See how well Squishie fits in with Taffy and Char-Lee?  

While Squeegie enjoys his retirement sitting with Mikey in his own lounge chair beside Poppa's!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the yarn comment made me smile. And then Taffy made me smile. And then...Squishie made me smile! Welcome to the family, Squishie. You have big paws to fill, although it looks like you've jumped right in.
    The blankets are beautiful! I love the flower. Peppa Pig is brilliant! How wonderful she looks. Nice job!
    It was good to still see Squeegie.
    At least the yard Phil had to rake is smaller than before.
    Okay, I give. What is the thing on the kitchen floor that Squishie is looking at?
